Why come to GECCO as a student?
GECCO offers a unique opportunity to increase your career profile by learning, competing, and publishing. Tutorials provided at no cost to conference attendees and competitions are unique to GECCO.
If you need help in finding your place at GECCO or on student related activities and opportunities, do not hesitate to contact Katya Rodríguez-Vázquez (katya.rodriguez@iimas.unam.mx) and Sara Tari (sara.tari@univ-littoral.fr), to support you on the way. Please specify [Student GECCO 2021] in the subject line.
Student Travel Grants
This year there will be no travel grants because the conference is online.
ACM-W Scholarships for Attendance at Research Conferences
Target audience
ACM-W provides support for women undergraduate and graduate students in Computer Science and related programs to attend research conferences. This exposure to the CS research world can encourage a student to continue on to the next level (Undergraduate to Graduate, Masters to Ph.D., Ph.D. to an industry or academic position). The student does not have to present a paper at the conference she attends.
Offered Support
The ACM-W scholarships will cover the documented online conference expenses.
Important Dates
ACM-W Applications due by April 15, 2021
Notifications by April 30, 2021
Application and selection
In order for an application to be considered for an award, each applicant must set up a free ACM web account in order to complete the application. During the application process, GECCO should be selected as conference choice. For further details on the scholarships, please refer to the ACM-W Scholarships for Attendance at Research Conferences page. Applications are submitted online at http://acm-w.acm.org/scholarA.cfm.
Student Workshop
Students have the possibility to present their work on a dedicated Student Workshop. Visit the Student Workshop page for more information.
Women@GECCO Workshop
The Women@GECCO Workshop is a venue where students and junior researchers from different under-represented cohorts in Evolutionary Computation (EC) interact in an informal setting with more established women researchers on various issues related to fostering and balancing one’s professional and social life, as well as on inserting oneself in the EC community.
The workshop focus is “GECCO women welcome EC newcomers”. Students of any gender are therefore encouraged to attend the Women@GECCO Workshop. See the Women@GECCO page for more information on the program and keynote speakers.
Student Affairs Chairs:
Katya Rodríguez-Vázquez (katya.rodriguez@iimas.unam.mx)
Sara Tari (sara.tari@univ-littoral.fr)