- The review process is now over: 134 papers have been accepted as full papers. They will be published in the Proceedings (and hence in the Digital Library) and presented during one of the sessions of the conference.
- Search the list below by typing text in the column headers.
- See also the list of accepted posters.
- The Call for Papers and the Papers Submission Instructions are still available for your information.
List of Accepted Papers
Track | Title | Authors |
CS | BR-NS: an Archive-less Approach to Novelty Search | Achkan Salehi, Alexandre Coninx, and Stephane Doncieux (Sorbonne University) |
EML | A survey of cluster validity indices for automatic data clustering using differential evolution | Adán José-García (University of Lille, CINVESTAV-IPN) and Wilfrido Gómez-Flores (Cinvestav-IPN) |
GA | Entropy-Based Evolutionary Diversity Optimisation for the Traveling Salesperson Problem | Adel Nikfarjam (The University of Adelaide), Jakob Bossek (University of Münster), and Aneta Neumann and Frank Neumann (The University of Adelaide) |
ECOM | Genetic Algorithm Niching by (Quasi-)Infinite Memory | Adrian Worring, Benjamin Eugen Mayer, and Kay Hamacher (TU Darmstadt) |
GP | Evolvability and Complexity Properties of the Digital Circuit Genotype-Phenotype Map | Alden H. Wright (University of Montana, Missoula, MT, USA) and Cheyenne L. Laue (University of Montana, Missoula, MT) |
RWA | Design of Specific Primer Sets for SARS-CoV-2 Variants Using Evolutionary Algorithms | Alejandro Lopez Rincon (Utrecht University); Carmina Perez Romero (Universidad Central de Queretaro); Lucero Mendoza-Maldonado (Hospital Civil de Guadalajara "Dr. Juan I. Menchaca"); Eric Claassen (Athena Institute, Vrije Universiteit); Johan Garssen (Department of Immunology, Danone Nutricia research); Aletta Kraneveld (Utrecht University); and Alberto Tonda (INRAE) |
GECH | Expressivity of Parameterized and Data-driven Representations in Quality Diversity Search | Alexander Hagg (Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences, Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science); Sebastian Berns (Queen Mary University of London); Alexander Asteroth (Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences); Simon Colton (Queen Mary University of London, Monash University); and Thomas Bäck (Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science) |
ECOM | On the Design and Anytime Performance of Indicator-based Branch and Bound for Multi-objective Combinatorial Optimization | Alexandre D. Jesus (University of Coimbra, Univ. Lille); Luís Paquete (University of Coimbra); and Bilel Derbel and Arnaud Liefooghe (Univ. Lille, Inria Lille - Nord Europe) |
RWA | Zeroth-Order Optimizer Benchmarking for 3D Performance Capture | Alexandros Doumanoglou, Petros Drakoulis, Kyriaki Christaki, Nikolaos Zioulis, Vladimiros Sterzentsenko, Antonis Karakottas, Dimitrios Zarpalas, and Petros Daras (Centre For Research and Technology HELLAS) |
CS | On the Impact of Tangled Program Graph Marking Schemes under the Atari Reinforcement Learning Benchmark | Alexandru Ianta, Ryan Amaral, Caleidgh Bayer, Robert Jacob Smith, and Malcolm Iain Heywood (Dalhousie University) |
Theory | Stagnation Detection in Highly Multimodal Fitness Landscapes | Amirhossein Rajabi and Carsten Witt (Technical University of Denmark) |
RWA | Continuously Running Genetic Algorithm for Real-Time Networking Device Optimization | Amit Mandelbaum, Doron Haritan, and Natali Shechtman (Nvidia) |
EMO | Quick Extreme Hypervolume Contribution Algorithm | Andrzej Jaszkiewicz and Piotr Zielniewicz (Poznan University of Technology) |
ECOM | Diversifying Greedy Sampling and Evolutionary Diversity Optimisation for Constrained Monotone Submodular Functions | Aneta Neumann (The University of Adelaide), Jakob Bossek (University of Muenster), and Frank Neumann (The University of Adelaide) |
GA | Analysis of Evolutionary Diversity Optimisation for Permutation Problems | Anh Viet Do, Mingyu Guo, Aneta Neumann, and Frank Neumann (The University of Adelaide) |
ECOM | An Efficient Implementation of Iterative Partial Transcription for the Traveling Salesman Problem | Anirban Mukhopadhyay (University of Kalyani), Darrell Whitley (Colorado State University), and Renato Tinós (University of São Paulo) |
GECH | The Impact of Hyper-Parameter Tuning for Landscape-Aware Performance Regression and Algorithm Selection | Anja Jankovic (Sorbonne Université); Tome Eftimov and Gorjan Popovski (Jožef Stefan Institue); and Carola Doerr (CNRS, Sorbonne Université) |
CS | Multi-Emitter MAP-Elites: Improving quality, diversity and data efficiency with heterogeneous sets of emitters | Antoine Cully (Imperial College London) |
GA | A Novel Surrogate-assisted Evolutionary Algorithm Applied to Partition-based Ensemble Learning | Arkadiy Dushatskiy (Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica); Tanja Alderliesten (Leiden University Medical Center); and Peter A. N. Bosman (Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, TU Delft) |
EMO | Landscape Features and Automated Algorithm Selection for Multi-objective Interpolated Continuous Optimisation Problems | Arnaud Liefooghe (Univ. Lille, Inria Lille - Nord Europe); Sébastien Verel (Université du Littoral Côte d'Opale); and Benjamin Lacroix, Alexandru-Ciprian Zăvoianu, and John McCall (Robert Gordon University) |
GECH | Adaptive Scenario Subset Selection for Minimax Black-Box Continuous Optimization | Atsuhiro Miyagi (Taisei Corporation, University of Tsukuba) and Kazuto Fukuchi, Jun Sakuma, and Youhei Akimoto (University of Tsukuba, RIKEN AIP) |
GP | Zoetrope Genetic Programming for regression | Aurelie Boisbunon, Carlo Fanara, Ingrid Grenet, Jonathan Daeden, and Alexis Vighi (MyDataModels) and Marc Schoenauer (Inria) |
CS | Using Multiple Generative Adversarial Networks to Build Better-Connected Levels for Mega Man | Benjamin Capps and Jacob Schrum (Southwestern University) |
Theory | Lower Bounds from Fitness Levels Made Easy | Benjamin Doerr (Ecole Polytechnique, Laboratoire d'Informatique (LIX)) and Timo Kötzing (Hasso Plattner Institute) |
ECOM | A Graph Coloring based Parallel Hill Climber for Large-scale NK-landscapes | Bilel Derbel (Univ. Lille, CNRS, Inria, Centrale Lille, UMR 9189 CRIStAL) and Lorenzo Canonne (Univ. Lille, Inria, CNRS, Centrale Lille, UMR 9189 CRIStAL) |
GECH | Directing Evolution: The Automated Design of Evolutionary Pathways Using Directed Graphs | Braden N. Tisdale and Deacon J. Seals (Auburn University), Aaron Scott Pope (Los Alamos National Laboratory), and Daniel R. Tauritz (Auburn University) |
RWA | Multi-objective Optimization Across Multiple Concepts: A Case Study on Lattice Structure Design | Brandon Parker (University of New South Wales, Australian Defence Force) and Hemant Kumar Singh and Tapabrata Ray (University of New South Wales) |
ACO-SI | The Paradox of Choice in Evolving Swarms: Information Overload Leads to Limited Sensing | Calum Corrie Imrie and Michael Herrmann (University of Edinburgh) and Olaf Witkowski (Cross Labs) |
GA | Evolutionary Algorithms-assisted Construction of Cryptographic Boolean Functions | Claude Carlet (University of Bergen), Domagoj Jakobovic (University of Zagreb), and Stjepan Picek (Delft University of Technology) |
RWA | A simple evolutionary algorithm guided by local mutations for an efficient RNA design. | Cyrille Merleau Nono Saha and Matteo Smerlak (Max Planck Institute for Mathematicsin the Sciences) |
Theory | Convergence Rate of the (1+1)-Evolution Strategy with Success-Based Step-Size Adaptation on Convex Quadratic Function | Daiki Morinaga, Kazuto Fukuchi, Jun Sakuma, and Youhei Akimoto (University of Tsukuba, RIKEN AIP) |
GA | Simulated Annealing for Symbolic Regression | Daniel Kantor and Fernando J. Von Zuben (Unicamp) and Fabricio Olivetti de Franca (UFABC) |
GA | Quadratization of Gray Coded Representations, Long Path Problems and Needle Functions | Darrell Whitley (Colorado State University), Francisco Chicano (University of Malaga), and Hernan Aquirre (Shinshu University) |
RWA | Multi-Objective Optimization of Item Selection in Computerized Adaptive Testing | Dena Freshta Mujtaba and Nihar Ranjan Mahapatra (Michigan State University) |
Theory | Lazy Parameter Tuning and Control: Choosing All Parameters Randomly From a Power-Law Distribution | Denis Antipov and Maxim Buzdalov (ITMO University) and Benjamin Doerr (Ecole Polytechnique, Laboratoire d'Informatique (LIX)) |
GP | CoInGP: Convolutional Inpainting with Genetic Programming | Domagoj Jakobovic (University of Zagreb), Luca Manzoni (University of Trieste), Luca Mariot and Stjepan Picek (Delft University of Technology), and Mauro Castelli (Universidade Nova de Lisboa) |
GP | A Generalizability Measure for Program Synthesis with Genetic Programming | Dominik Sobania and Franz Rothlauf (University of Mainz) |
Theory | Non-elitist Evolutionary Algorithms excel in Fitness Landscapes with Sparse Deceptive Regions and Dense Valleys | Duc-Cuong Dang (University of Southampton); Anton Eremeev (Sobolev Institute of Mathematics SB RAS, INION RAN); and Per Kristian Lehre (University of Birmingham) |
ECOM | Unbalanced Mallows Models for Optimizing Expensive Black-Box Permutation Problems | Ekhiñe Irurozki (Telecom Paris) and Manuel López-Ibáñez (University of Málaga) |
CS | MAEDyS: Multiagent Evolution via Dynamic Skill Selection | Enna Sachdeva (Oregon State University), Shauharda Khadka (Microsoft), Somdeb Majumdar (Intel Corporation), and Kagan Tumer (Oregon State University) |
CS | Seeking Quality Diversity in Evolutionary Co-design of Morphology and Control of Soft Tensegrity Modular Robots | Enrico Zardini (University of Trento), Davide Zappetti and Davide Zambrano (EPFL), Giovanni Iacca (University of Trento), and Dario Floreano (EPFL) |
CS | Biodiversity in Evolved Voxel-based Soft Robots | Eric Medvet, Federico Pigozzi, Alberto Bartoli, and Marco Rochelli (DIA, University of Trieste, Italy) |
EMO | Hypervolume in Biobjective Optimization Cannot Converge Faster Than $Omega(1/p)$ | Eugénie Marescaux (École Polytechnique, Inria) and Nikolaus Hansen (Inria) |
EML | Genetic Adversarial Training of Decision Trees | Francesco Ranzato and Marco Zanella (Dipartimento di Matematica, University of Padova) |
GP | Speed Benchmarking of Genetic Programming Frameworks | Francisco Baeta, João Correia, Tiago Martins, and Penousal Machado (University of Coimbra) |
ECOM | Real-like MAX-SAT Instances and the Landscape Structure Across the Phase Transition | Francisco Chicano (University of Malaga), Gabriela Ochoa (University of Stirling), and Marco Tomassini (University of Lausanne) |
CS | The Environment and Body-Brain Complexity | Geoff Nitschke (University of Cape Town) |
CS | Evolving Gaits for Damage Control in a Hexapod Robot | Geoff Nitschke, Christopher Mailer, and Leanne Raw (University of Cape Town) |
CS | Sparse Reward Exploration via Novelty Search and Emitters | Giuseppe Paolo (Sorbonne University, Softbank Robotics Europe); Alexandre Coninx and Stephane Doncieux (Sorbonne University); and Alban Laflaquière (Softbank Robotics Europe) |
GP | Measuring Feature Importance of Symbolic Regression Models Using Partial Effects | Guilherme Seidyo Imai Aldeia and Fabricio Olivetti de Franca (UFABC) |
GECH | Parallel Differential Evolution Applied to Interleaving Generation with Precedence Evaluation of Tentative Solutions | Hayato Noguchi (Ritsumeikan University), Tomohiro Harada (Tokyo Metropolitan University), and Ruck Thawonmas (Ritsumeikan University) |
Theory | Generalized Jump Functions | Henry Bambury and Antoine Bultel (École Polytechnique) and Benjamin Doerr (École Polytechnique, Laboratoire d'Informatique (LIX)) |
RWA | An Evolutionary Multi-Objective Feature Selection Approach for Detecting Music Segment Boundaries of Specific Types | Igor Vatolkin and Fabian Ostermann (TU Dortmund) and Meinard Müller (Audiolabs Erlangen) |
ENUM | Explorative Data Analysis of Time Series based Algorithm Features of CMA-ES Variants | Jacob de Nobel, Hao Wang, and Thomas Baeck (Leiden University) |
GA | Breeding Diverse Packings for the Knapsack Problem by Means of Diversity-Tailored Evolutionary Algorithms | Jakob Bossek (University of Münster) and Aneta Neumann and Frank Neumann (The University of Adelaide) |
ECOM | Evolutionary Diversity Optimization and the Minimum Spanning Tree Problem | Jakob Bossek (University of Münster) and Frank Neumann (The University of Adelaide) |
EML | Signal Propagation in a Gradient-Based and Evolutionary Learning System | Jamal Toutouh (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, University of Málaga) and Una-May O'Reily (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) |
NE | Genetic Crossover in the Evolution of Time-dependent Neural Networks | Jason E. Orlosky (Osaka University, Augusta University) and Tim Grabowski (Independent Researcher) |
EML | Regularized Evolutionary Population-Based Training | Jason Zhi Liang (Cognizant); Santiago Gonzalez (Cognizant, The University of Texas at Austin); Hormoz Shahrzad (Cognizant); and Risto Miikkulainen (Cognizant, The University of Texas at Austin) |
EMO | Pareto Compliance from a Practical Point of View | Jesús Guillermo Falcón-Cardona, Saúl Zapotecas-Martínez, and Abel García-Nájera (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Unidad Cuajimalpa) |
EMO | Environmental Selection Using a Fuzzy Classifier for Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms | Jinyuan Zhang, Hisao Ishibuchi, Ke Shang, Linjun He, Lie Meng Pang, and Yiming Peng (Southern University of Science and Technology) |
NE | Evolving and Merging Hebbian Learning Rules: Increasing Generalization by Decreasing the Number of Rules | Joachim Winther Pedersen and Sebastian Risi (IT University of Copenhagen) |
ACO-SI | A Bio-Inspired Spatial Defence Strategy for Collective Decision Making in Self-Organized Swarms | Judhi Prasetyo (Middlesex University Dubai, University of Namur); Giulia De Masi (Technology Innovation Institute, Khalifa University); Raina Zakir (Middlesex University Dubai); Muhanad Alkilabi and Elio Tuci (University of Namur); and Eliseo Ferrante (VU University Amsterdam, Technology Innovation Institute) |
GECH | PSAF: A Probabilistic Surrogate-Assisted Framework for Single-Objective Optimization | Julian Blank and Kalyanmoy Deb (Michigan State University) |
SBSE | Analyzing the Impact of Product Configuration Variations on Advanced Driver Assistance Systems with Search | Kaiou Yin (Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics), Paolo Arcaini (National Institute of Informatics), Tao Yue (Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics), and Shaukat Ali (Simula Research Laboratory) |
EMO | Greedy Approximated Hypervolume Subset Selection for Many-objective Optimization | Ke Shang, Hisao Ishibuchi, and Weiyu Chen (Southern University of Science and Technology) |
EMO | Distance-based Subset Selection Revisited | Ke Shang, Hisao Ishibuchi, and Yang Nan (Southern University of Science and Technology) |
EMO | Bayesian Preference Learning for Interactive Multi-objective Optimisation | Kendall P. Taylor, Huong Ha, Minyi Li, Jeffrey Chan, and Xiaodong Li (RMIT University) |
CS | Monte Carlo Elites: Quality-Diversity Selection as a Multi-Armed Bandit Problem | Konstantinos Sfikas and Antonios Liapis (University of Malta) and Georgios N. Yannakakis (University of Malta, Technical University of Crete) |
ECOM | Generating Hard Inventory Routing Problem Instances using Evolutionary Algorithms | Krzysztof Michalak (Wroclaw University of Economics) |
CS | Resource Availability and The Evolution of Cooperation in a 3D Agent-Based Simulation | Lara Dal Molin, Jasmeen Kanwal, and Christopher Stone (University of St Andrews) |
CS | Ensemble Feature Extraction for Multi-Container Quality-Diversity Algorithms | Leo Cazenille (Ochanomizu University) |
EMO | Metric for Evaluating Normalization Methods in Multiobjective Optimization | Linjun He (Southern University of Science and Technology, National University of Singapore); Hisao Ishibuchi (Southern University of Science and Technology); and Dipti Srinivasan (National University of Singapore) |
GA | A Genetic Algorithm Approach for the Euclidean Steiner Tree Problem with Soft Obstacles | Manou Rosenberg, Mark Reynolds, Tim French, and Lyndon While (The University of Western Australia) |
RWA | Accelerated Evolutionary Induction of Heterogeneous Decision Trees for Gene Expression-Based Classification | Marcin Czajkowski, Krzysztof Jurczuk, and Marek Kretowski (Bialystok University of Technology, Faculty of Computer Science) |
GP | Genetic Programming is Naturally Suited to Evolve Bagging Ensembles | Marco Virgolin (Chalmers University of Technology) |
ECOM | The tiebreaking space of constructive heuristics for the permutation flowshop minimizing makespan | Marcus Ritt (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul) and Alexander J. Benavides (Universidad Nacional de San Agustin de Arequipa) |
ACO-SI | Fishing for Interactions: A Network Science Approach to Modeling Fish School Search | Mariana Macedo (University of Exeter), Lydia Taw (George Fox University), Nishant Gurrapadi (University of Texas), Rodrigo C. Lira (University of Pernambuco), Diego Pinheiro (Catholic University of Pernambuco), Marcos Oliveira (University of Exeter), Carmelo Bastos-Filho (University of Pernambuco), and Ronaldo Menezes (University of Exeter) |
Theory | Self-Adjusting Population Sizes for Non-Elitist Evolutionary Algorithms: Why Success Rates Matter | Mario Alejandro Hevia Fajardo (The University of Sheffield) and Dirk Sudholt (University of Passau) |
RWA | A Genetic Algorithm For AC Optimal Transmission Switching | Masood Jabarnejad (Dogus University) |
NE | Fitness Landscape Analysis of Graph Neural Network Architecture Search Spaces | Matheus Nunes, Paulo M. Fraga, and Gisele L. Pappa (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais) |
GECH | Optimal Static Mutation Strength Distributions for the (1+λ) Evolutionary Algorithm on OneMax | Maxim Buzdalov (ITMO University) and Carola Doerr (Sorbonne Université) |
RWA | Evolutionary Minimization of Traffic Congestion | Maximilian Böther, Leon Schiller, Philipp Fischbeck, and Louise Molitor (Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam); Martin S. Krejca (Sorbonne University); and Tobias Friedrich (Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam) |
GP | A Novel Multi-Task Genetic Programming Approach to Uncertain Capacitated Arc Routing Problem | Mazhar Ansari Ardeh, Yi Mei, and Mengjie Zhang (Victori University of Wellington) |
GECH | Coevolutionary Modeling of Cyber Attack Patterns and Mitigations Using Public Datasets | Michal Shlapentokh-Rothman and Jonathan Kelly (MIT); Avital Baral (MIT, ALFA Group); Erik Hemberg (MIT CSAIL, ALFA Group); and Una-May O'Reilly (MIT) |
GA | Direct linkage discovery with empirical linkage learning | Michal Witold Przewozniczek, Marcin Michal Komarnicki, and Bartosz Frej (Wroclaw University of Science and Technology) |
EMO | Interactive evolutionary multiple objective optimization algorithm using a fast calculation of holistic acceptabilities | Michał Tomczyk and Miłosz Kadziński (Poznan University of Technology) |
RWA | MA-ABC: A Memetic Algorithm Optimizing Attractiveness, Balance, and Cost for Capacitated Arc Routing Problems | Muhilan Ramamoorthy, Violet R. Syrotiuk, and Stephanie Forrest (ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY) |
RWA | Evolutionary Meta Reinforcement Learning for Portfolio Optimization | Myoung Hoon Ha (KAIST), Seung-geun Chi (Seoul National University), Sangyeop Lee (Samsung Electronics), Yujin Cha (KAIST), and Byung-Ro Moon (Seoul National University) |
NE | Policy Manifold Search: Exploring the Manifold Hypothesis for Diversity-based Neuroevolution | Nemanja Rakicevic, Antoine Cully, and Petar Kormushev (Imperial College London) |
GECH | A hybrid CP/MOLS Approach for Multi-Objective Imbalanced Classification | Nicolas Szczepanski (CRIStAL UMR 9189 - CNRS; University of Lille, Central Lille); Gilles Audemard (CRIL UMR 8188 - CNRS, University of Lens); Laetitia Jourdan (CRIStAL UMR 9189 - CNRS; University of Lille, Central Lille); Christophe Lecoutre (CRIL UMR 8188 - CNRS, University of Lens); Lucien Mousin (CRIStAL UMR 9189 - CNRS, Lille Catholic University); and Nadarajen Veerapen (CRIStAL UMR 9189 - CNRS; University of Lille, Central Lille) |
NE | Evolving Neural Architecture Using One Shot Model | Nilotpal Sinha and Kuan-Wen Chen (National Chiao Tung University, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University) |
SBSE | Concurrent Model Synchronisation with Multiple Objectives | Nils Weidmann and Gregor Engels (University of Paderborn) |
NE | Policy Gradient Assisted MAP-Elites | Olle Nilsson and Antoine Cully (Imperial College) |
ENUM | A Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy for Optimization on General Quadratic Manifolds | Patrick Spettel and Hans-Georg Beyer (Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences) |
ENUM | Augmented Lagrangian, penalty techniques and surrogate modeling for constrained optimization with CMA-ES | Paul Dufossé (Inria, Thales DMS) and Nikolaus Hansen (Inria) |
NE | A Geometric Encoding for Neural Network Evolution | Paul Templier, Emmanuel Rachelson, and Dennis George Wilson (ISAE-SUPAERO, University of Toulouse) |
Theory | More Precise Runtime Analyses of Non-elitist EAs in Uncertain Environments | Per Kristian Lehre and Xiaoyu Qin (University of Birmingham) |
CS | A Signal-Centric Perspective on the Evolution of Symbolic Communication | Quintino Francesco Lotito, Leonardo Lucio Custode, and Giovanni Iacca (University of Trento) |
ACO-SI | Ants can solve the parallel drone scheduling traveling salesman problem | Quoc Trung Dinh (ORLab, Phenikaa University); Duc Dong Do (VNU University of Engineering and Technology); and Minh Hoàng Hà (ORLab, Phenikaa University) |
GA | Partition Crossover for Continuous Optimization: ePX | Renato Tinos (University of São Paulo), Darrell Whitley (Colorado State University), Francisco Chicano (University of Málaga), and Gabriela Ochoa (University of Stirling) |
ACO-SI | A Rigorous Runtime Analysis of the 2-MMAS on Jump Functions: Ant Colony Optimizer Can Cope Well With Local Optima | Riade Benbaki and Ziyad Benomar (École Polytechnique) and Benjamin Doerr (Ecole Polytechnique, Laboratoire d'Informatique (LIX)) |
RWA | Evaluating Medical Aesthetics Treatments through Evolved Age-Estimation Models | Risto Miikkulainen (The University of Texas at Austin, Cognizant Technology Solutions); Elliot Meyerson, Xin Qiu, Ujjayant Sinha, Raghav Kumar, and Karen Hofmann (Cognizant Technology Solutions); and Yiyang Matt Yan, Michael Ye, Jingyuan Yang, Damon Caiazza, and Stephanie Manson Brown (AbbVie, Inc.) |
NE | Using Novelty Search to Explicitly Create Diversity in Ensembles of Classifiers | Rui Cardoso (Imperial College London), Emma Hart (Edinburgh Napier University), and David Kurka and Jeremy Pitt (Imperial College London) |
ENUM | Towards Exploratory Landscape Analysis for Large-scale Optimization: A Dimensionality Reduction Framework | Ryoji Tanabe (Yokohama National University, Riken AIP) |
EML | Optimizing Loss Functions Through Multi-Variate Taylor Polynomial Parameterization | Santiago Gonzalez and Risto Miikkulainen (University of Texas at Austin, Cognizant AI Labs) |
ECOM | Local Search Pivoting Rules and the Landscape Global Structure | Sara Tari (Université du Littoral Côte d'Opale) and Gabriela Ochoa (University of Stirling) |
SBSE | Encoding the Certainty of Boolean Variables to Improve the Guidance for Search-Based Test Generation | Sebastian Vogl, Sebastian Schweikl, and Gordon Fraser (University of Passau) |
CS | Evolving Soft Robotic Jamming Grippers | Seth G. Fitzgerald (CSIRO, Data61, Robotics and Autonomous Systems Group; QUT, Engineering Faculty, EER School); Gary W. Delaney (CSIRO, Data61); David Howard (CSIRO, Data61, Robotics and Autonomous Systems Group); and Frederic Maire (QUT, Engineering Faculty, EER School) |
EMO | Realistic Utility Functions Prove Difficult for State-of-the-Art Interactive Multiobjective Optimization Algorithms | Seyed Mahdi Shavarani and Manuel López-Ibáñez (University of Manchester) and Joshua Knowles (Invenia Labs) |
EML | An Effective Action Covering for Multi-label Learning Classifier Systems: A Graph-Theoretic Approach | Shabnam Nazmi, Abdollah Homaifar, and Mohd Anwar (North Carolina A&T State University) |
ECOM | A Two-Stage Multi-Objective Genetic Programming with Archive for Uncertain Capacitated Arc Routing Problem | Shaolin Wang, Yi Mei, and Mengjie Zhang (Victoria University of Wellington) |
NE | Training Spiking Neural Networks with a Multi-Agent Evolutionary Robotics Framework | Souvik Das, Anirudh Shankar, and Vaneet Aggarwal (Purdue University) |
GP | Towards Effective GP Multi-Class Classification Based on Dynamic Targets | Stefano Ruberto (Joint Research Centre), Valerio Terragni (The University of Auckland), and Jason H. Moore (University of Pennsylvania) |
GA | A Parallel Ensemble Genetic Algorithm for the Traveling Salesman Problem | Swetha Varadarajan and Darrell Whitley (Colorado State University) |
ENUM | Self-Referential Quality Diversity Through Differential Map-Elites | Tae Jong Choi (Kyungil University) and Julian Togelius (New York University) |
RWA | Level Generation for Angry Birds with Sequential VAE and Latent Variable Evolution | Takumi Tanabe, Kazuto Fukuchi, Jun Sakuma, and Youhei Akimoto (University of Tsukuba, RIKEN AIP) |
EML | Coevolution of Remaining Useful Lifetime Estimation Pipelines for Automated Predictive Maintenance | Tanja Tornede, Alexander Tornede, and Marcel Wever (University of Paderborn) and Eyke Hüllermeier (University of Munich) |
GP | PSB2: The Second Program Synthesis Benchmark Suite | Thomas Helmuth and Peter Kelly (Hamilton College) |
ACO-SI | Stasis type particle stability in a stochastic model of particle swarm optimization | Tomasz Kulpa, Krzysztof Trojanowski, and Krzysztof Wójcik (Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw) |
GECH | Personalizing Performance Regression Models to Black-Box Optimization Problems | Tome Eftimov (Jožef Stefan Institute), Anja Jankovic (Sorbonne Université), Gorjan Popovski (Jožef Stefan Institute), Carola Doerr (Sorbonne Université), and Peter Korošec (Jožef Stefan Institute) |
RWA | A Genetic Algorithm Approach to Virtual Topology Design for Multi-Layer Communication Networks | Uwe Bauknecht (Institute of Communication Networks and Computer Engineering (IKR), University of Stuttgart) |
GECH | When Non-Elitism Meets Time-Linkage Problems | Weijie Zheng (Southern University of Science and Technology, University of Science and Technology of China); Qiaozhi Zhang (Southern University of Science and Technology); Huanhuan Chen (University of Science and Technology of China); and Xin Yao (Southern University of Science and Technology) |
EML | Genetic Programming for Borderline Instance Detection in High-dimensional Unbalanced Classification | Wenbin Pei and Bing Xue (Victoria University of Wellington), Lin Shang (Nanjing University), and Mengjie Zhang (Victoria University of Wellington) |
RWA | Solving the Paintshop Scheduling Problem with Memetic Algorithms | Wolfgang Weintritt, Nysret Musliu, and Felix Winter (TU Wien) |
ACO-SI | A hybrid ant colony optimization algorithm for the knapsack problem with a single continuous variable | Xinhua Yang, Yufan Zhou, Ailing Shen, Juan Lin, and Yiwen Zhong (College of Computer and Information Science, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University; Key Laboratory of Smart Agriculture and Forestry (Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University)) |
GP | Cooperative Coevolutionary Multiobjective Genetic Programming for Microarray Data Classification | Yang Qing, Chi Ma, and Yu Zhou (Shenzhen University); Xiao Zhang (College of Computer Science, South-Central University for Nationalities, Wuhan 430074, China); and Haowen Xia (Shenzhen University) |
EML | A Systematic Comparison Study on Hyperparameter Optimisation of Graph Neural Networks for Molecular Property Prediction | Yingfang Yuan, Wenjun Wang, and Wei Pang (Heriot-Watt University) |
EML | Convergence Analysis of Rule-Generality on the XCS Classifier System | Yoshiki Nakamura, Motoki Horiuchi, and Masaya Nakata (Yokohama National University) |
ENUM | Saddle Point Optimization with Approximate Minimization Oracle | Youhei Akimoto (University of Tsukuba, RIKEN AIP) |
RWA | Heuristic Strategies for Solving Complex Interacting Stockpile Blending Problem with Chance Constraints | Yue Xie, Aneta Neumann, and Frank Neumann (The University of Adelaide) |
Theory | Runtime Analysis of RLS and the (1+1) EA for the Chance-constrained Knapsack Problem with Correlated Uniform Weights | Yue Xie, Aneta Neumann, and Frank Neumann (The University of Adelaide) and Andrew M. Sutton (University of Minnesota Duluth) |
ENUM | Interaction between Model and Its Evolution Control in Surrogate-Assisted CMA Evolution Strategy | Zbyněk Pitra (Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering of the Czech Technical University; Institute of Computer Science, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic); Marek Hanuš (Czech Technical University); Jan Koza (Czech Technical University, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic); Jiří Tumpach (Charles University, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic); and Martin Holeňa (Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic) |
RWA | An Efficient Computational Approach for Automatic Itinerary Planning on Web Servers | Zeyuan Ma, Hongshu Guo, Yinxuan Gui, and Yue-Jiao Gong (South China University of Technology) |